
Just spent ages typing something prior to this....tried to update it and lost it all so i really cant be ****ed with it again! lol. but to drop it to ya quick and harsh....my hobbies are drinkin blazing, dancing, singing, watching people fall over in the middle of town and laughing loudly in glee! also enjoy wrestlng with my kids around the livingroom and shouting at my son...."hahahahaha you got your ass whooped by ya mommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! im gonna tell ya matesssssssssssss" lmao. some of my goals and aspirations are to work in music production but i realise that this is a long shot so i have plan b, c, and d ready to put in to action. also to raise my kids to be wise beyond their years, as it never hurts to be advanced in awareness and reading between the lines! i hope to progress in myself by remaining able to think outside the box giving me different ideas and views on things.

NOW! THIS IS YOUR LESSON IN HOW TO APPROACH MS EMJAY! IN YOUR ICE BREAKING MESSAGE YOU SHOULD BE, ORIGINAL, HUMOROUS, INTELLIGENT, SLIGHTLY cokky (had to mis spell it as it wouldnt let me type****see! lmao), SMOOOOOOOOOOOOOTH, AND OF COURSE COMPLIMENTARY! LOL WHO EVER SAID FLATTERY GETS YOU NO WHERE LIED! So, the way i see it is...you can not fail as i have just told you what to do...you just gotta add the flava and flaire!

my taste in music varies greatly from jazz, old swing, classical to deep underground political hip hop, garage, bassline, reggae, r&b...just cant take rock and country!

right i guess im done so come whisper in my earz and make it sweet x

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: West Midlands
City/Town: Wolverhampton
Age: 29
Marital Status:
Body Type: Have some extra pounds
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: No
Smoking: No
Drinking: Yes

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