
i love music and movies. i shop too much and am addicted to chocolate. i`m sensitive, but i know how to enjoy myself. i can be shy at first but its worth persevering. i can be cynical and gullible in equal measures. i love physics, but don't hold that against me. im amused by eddie izzard and adored `black books`. i`m a sweetie at heart, a gentle creature. i cherish my friends. i daydream too much. i like all things pink! (except pepto bismal...) i`m impulsive and ticklish
feminine girlie who takes the lead. tolerant and compassionate.

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Somerset
City/Town: Taunton
Age: 36
Marital Status: Single
Body Type: Cuddly
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: No
Smoking: Light
Drinking: Not a Drinker

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