
Hello :-)

I am massively easily amused, I have been known to burst into laughter at something that happened two days ago. I am easily pleased but can be fussy. I can be shy at times. My taste in music is very varied, I often dance around like a loon or have a smile on my face because a certain song has reminded me of something that happened once and can usually be found singing, badly!!

I get excited about films, I can watch a film I love over and over without getting bored of it and in alot of films, theres a tiny wee line/word/look that I will find extremely amusing that nobody else seems to notice. I sometimes quote films thinking someone else will get it but most dont lol!

I'm not an overly girlie type but I do like cute/pretty things, I like tattoos, I have a few and want a few more. I like listening to the rain and going for random walks and taking pictures.

I love reading. Whether its a biog of my fave musician, a fantasy about swashbuckling pirates or a trashy love story, I can put myself into the words and escape my own head for a bit.

I love fish, I can be totally mesmerised watching them swim and swish about. I once sat in the Gulf of Mexico at 7am with loads of fish darting around me and jumping over me, it was just beautiful, one of those moments you know you can hear music, even though theres no music playing anywhere!!

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: Scotland
County: Stirling
City/Town: Stirling
Age: 31
Marital Status: Single
Body Type: Have some extra pounds
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: Yes

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