
laid back, cute and nicely crazy with a super cute one year old son

If you have read on well done for not being put off by me having a child.

I love going to the cinema, I don't have an all time favorite film because every year I will see another great film. I have films that I can watch over and over again. I love good TV, have just finished watching Any Human Heart on 4Od, very impressed with that

with music I will give anything a listen once, if I like it I will listen to it again. What I hate RnB, all 'Cheated on my woman, now she's pissed at me, why she all pissed at I pulled out my GUN!!!' Rubbish. All of it.

Eating out is a love of mine, I have been very lucky to eat some very nice food, cooked by some very talented people in some really lovely places round the world.

Recently I discovered that I enjoy camping, 2012 will be the year of camp and seeing more of the UK. At some point I would like to go and see the world again. I loved New Zealand. There is something about Sydney that makes me smile when ever I think about it. I've got family in Dallas and have been there a few times. Really like San Fransisco and would love to go back to see more of the US. Japan is on the list of places to go again, I had a great time there.
I really want to see New York, Rio, the Pacific Islands, see more of Europe and go to Western Australia and Alice Springs.

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Staffordshire
City/Town: Stafford
Age: 36
Marital Status: Single
Body Type: Have some extra pounds
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: No
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: No

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