I've had a Well Spent Youth; I've been in the UK for over 12 years now although I am originally from the US. I have been a welder, go-go dancer, bodybuilder, paralegal, and backpacker; and I've also done a few things you might have to ask about privately - suffice to say I'm pretty un-shockable. I can be introverted or flamboyant dependent on mood I've done a fair bit in life and while I still wish to travel my age is catching up with me a bit so I go at a more sedate pace. I have a varied interest in Life, the Universe, and Everything and I can whitter on about the Tokugawa Period of Japan or the spiritual paradigm comparison and evolution of desert religion so don't expect me to just nod and smile vaguely if I find something that interests me. I am spiritual but not in the "Magrat" form, more like Weatherwax, so be warned!
User Statistics
Gender: | Female |
Country: | England |
County: | Wiltshire |
City/Town: | Salisbury |
Age: | 42 |
Marital Status: | Divorced |
Body Type: | Big and lovely |
Can Accommodate: | No |
Can Travel: | No |
Smoking: | Yes |
Drinking: | No |