
I like to go out for meals with friends. I also love going bowling and going to theme parks. I love going on the computer.
I am looking for a casual relationship with lots of sex and no commitment. I am not looking for a one night stand. I suppose you could say I would like a fuck buddy. I have to be attracted to him straightaway and vice versa. To be frank I need a lot of attention. I've got a wet pussy that needs dick. If you like big tits you're in for a treat. I am only looking for someone between the age of 18 and 33.

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Greater Manchester
City/Town: Salford
Age: 38
Marital Status: Prefer not to say
Body Type: Well Built
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: Non Smoker
Drinking: Heavy

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