
Hi, I'm Michelle =) and that's MI-shell not MEE-shell, there is no 'e' there...ahh sorry that bothers me!

Anyways, I'm Michelle.

Any man who spends longer on his hair than me, I'm sorry but we will just not get on, and if you like to think you look good whilst pulling the "duck-face" then I'm sorry but *BANG*.

I love this song:

I'm an arty designer at heart and love anything creative. I'm an uncomplicated, happy, yet deep and thoughtful person (so I get told) and I'm often helping out my friends with their troubles and woes. I make a great listener, and apparently give good advice. Shame I don't listen to it myself huh, but then who does! I have quite a wide sense of humour, it's rare to find me without a smile on my face and even the simplest things make me laugh most of the time.

I love my friends and family, they mean the world to me. I'm quite the agony aunt to most of them. I'm also a good match maker too, maybe I should get myself one of these sites! I'm always thinking of other people and quite often go out of my way to please people and make sure they're happy. Some people might think that makes me a mug...but I love it. Seeing others happy, makes me happy. But don't think that that means I don't do things for msyelf or prevent my own choices from happening. It's all about the balance!

So, I guess if you want to know more, then message me.

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Reading
City/Town: Reading
Age: 26
Marital Status: Single
Body Type: Have some extra pounds
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: No
Drinking: No

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