
Hi there gorgeous men :)
My name is stacey and i am from Gosport- accross the water from portsmouth. I love life but at 22 i havent really lived yet as such. I live my life for my friends and family, i live with a good friend. My best mate lives round the corner and i see her alot because her three children are my god children :) I see kids in my future, if you dont see that dont message me :) not to sound rude just dont want to waste your time. I am a bit loud and sometimes in your face, but if you tell me to calm down i will. I am a caring giving person and would give anyone my last pound coin. I like to make sure other people are happy before i start to have a good time, seeing them smile makes me smile. As you can tell i am a bit soppy and a bit of a romantic at heart but i have no one to give that to, so if your up for a chat message me, if theres anything thats not here that you want to know you can go on and ask, i always answer and truthfully ;)

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Portsmouth
City/Town: Portsmouth
Age: 26
Marital Status: Single
Body Type: Have some extra pounds
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: No
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: No

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