
I used to have two pet lobsters, a hermaphrodite cat and a vegetarian piranha called Daftlad
I like getting woken up by psychedelic funk
I live in a hotel during the week so lovingly stroke my walls when I get home at weekends
I'm a massive kung fu movie fan
I have healing hands
I used to write songs with a ska band
I enjoy having a healthy debate where we discuss our differing opinions...but I hate arguing
I love stroking other people's skin, especially tattooed (????)
I've written mini screenplays and now working on a novel (gotta do something in that hotel)
I'm learning to drive in the mean streets of London
I love my fancy dress box
I used to head up a troop of lady promoters
I miss my family in St Lucia
I hate puns, wind up merchants, selfishness and scoundrels
I like the idea of getting to know new people to email for a chat, so if you're into
an intimate encounter, cyber talk etc, it's nice that you dropped by, but don't message me.

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Nottingham
City/Town: Nottingham
Age: 37
Marital Status: Single
Body Type: Have some extra pounds
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: No

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