
I might not be beautiful like other people or be the skinniest

girl i might not have the best smile, laugh, eyes or bum, but i

have got a big heart that counts dont it? :)

I dont know what to put on this but here it goes, My name is

Kellie and im from northampton my family and friends are a BIG

part of my life they mean the world to me and dont know what i

would do with out them.

I work dodgy and long hours so when i do get spare time i like

going to the cinema and having wine and dinner with my mates and

of course a good old gossip catch up :)

im not really sure what to expect from this site but i supose we

will see what happens and comes from it, i was single for about a

year due to broken heart but never mind what breaks us down can

only make us stronger!! x

Anyway i have have had my fair share of frogs and now would like

to find my prince charming to spend quality time with, x

If all else fails then I'm looking at making new friends x

anything else you wana know ask. :)

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Northamptonshire
City/Town: Northampton
Age: 28
Marital Status:
Body Type: Have some extra pounds
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: No
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: Yes

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