Well hello there, didnt see you drop by. Im Mandie and I thought it was time I changed this.
When im bored I like to paint myself orange, dye my hair green and sit in the corner of my room pretending to be a carrot!
I like to think im different to most women as I dont moan or judge people and will happily admit when im wrong about something. Have no problem with getting my hands dirty as I am slightly more tom-boy than a girly-girl (yuk). Dont get me wrong I do like to look nice but its not the end of the world if I go out with no make up on. I've been told im funny, sarcastic, random and too honest for my own good. Love nothing more than doing something for no reason. I dance and sing for no reason(kicked out whsmith for dancing) and really like spontaneous people. Im also confident and very independant but loving and generous, take no crap from anyone but also have a very soft side, very strong-headed/willed and need someone the same or stronger to put me in my place for once. If you like a challenge, here I am ha ha ha.
Don't you just hate it when the little voices start arguing with your imaginary friends!
Anyway if your still reading this, hi there. If not, then you wont have seen this (.)(.) a set of boobs!
Have fun and smile no matter what you do.
Happy Fishing people
Ice breakers: (If you need them...)
1. Would you rather have tourettes for 2 months, be smurf blue for life or have glow in the dark hands?
2. If you could merge to animals together to create a new species, what would you choose and what would you call your new creation?
3. If you could be anywhere in the world with one person right now, who with and where are?
User Statistics
Gender: | Female |
Country: | England |
County: | Cornwall |
City/Town: | Newquay |
Age: | 28 |
Marital Status: | Single |
Body Type: | Have some extra pounds |
Can Accommodate: | No |
Can Travel: | No |
Smoking: | No |
Drinking: | Yes |