Milton Keynes

what to put....
well im a single mum, studying my math degree at present. i enjoy chess, reading, bit of music, star trek, photography, dinners out, walks, climbing trees, baking.
boring bit done.
serious bit; im not here for sex, or one offs, and im not a golddigger, but as someone fabulosly put on my facebook this morning... money doesnt make you happy, but its better to cry in a mercedes than on a bicycle.
i ended up here after umming and ahhhing over a link on another dating site and decided to go for it. tbh, im not money orientated since i have none myself, but for once in my life id like to find someone who would treat me like i was something precious, instead of walking sex.
i put my whole heart into relationships, every ounce of me, and i want someone who will appreciate that, and hopefully not throw it away.
bit of a long shot i think but lets see

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Milton Keynes
City/Town: Milton Keynes
Age: 25
Marital Status: Divorced
Body Type: Have some extra pounds
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: No

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