Milton Keynes

Hello there!
Im a young woman that lives and work in Milton Keynes but I also study to law!

Im a easy going girl that loves to look beautiful, feel and look sexy! I love sex.

I have a lots and lots of shoes, clothes and bags but I still never have anything to wear! lol!

I am in a relationship but because of his work we don't see each other that much. Im not leaving him but I need more sex so thats why Im here
someone who can be discreet

someone who see me as a person

someone laid back and that it is possible to have fun with

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Milton Keynes
City/Town: Milton Keynes
Age: 28
Marital Status: Prefer not to say
Body Type: Cuddly
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: No
Smoking: Non Smoker
Drinking: Prefer not to say

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