Merthyr Tydfil

I'm 18, I work full time in an Infant School in Thetford as a Learning Support Assistant. I work with two children that have Special Needs, I am currently studying a History A Level from home whilst working so i can in a few years go to Uni and do a Teaching Degree. I live about 20 mins away from Bury St Edmunds. I love my music I cannot go a day without listening to it and I like a variety of music - not fussed. I am unique. Anything else you wanna know just ask...

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: Wales
County: Merthyr Tydfil
City/Town: Merthyr Tydfil
Age: 21
Marital Status: Single
Body Type: Have some extra pounds
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: No
Drinking: Yes

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