
People say that I am very pleasant and interesting as a person, with sense of humor, I enjoy good company with someone that have many interests and share the same passion for life.I love to go to movies,restaurants and bars hanging out with friends. However, I also enjoy staying home with good company. I am very social and friendly but serious when I have to. I am very independent and dynamic but very sweet and caring for the people I love. I love to go to the theater and to listen live music. I work in a very busy environment, office work, but my real passion is design, which I really enjoy doing in my free time.

P.S. I am not looking for one night stand, that been said, you need to make time and space for someone in your life if you are looking for a relationship.Please do not contact me if you can't find time for that special someone in your life.

Also don't contact me if you are not into bbw in case you didn't read it.Size 22-24 depends on fabric and design.

BBW=Big Beautiful Woman

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: London
City/Town: London
Age: 33
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: Have some extra pounds
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: No
Smoking: No
Drinking: Yes

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