
My name is Stephanie, I am from London England, I am shy, quiet, I tend to think about things far too much, I use to study on a art and design course for 2 years then once finished, I started to live on disability, cause of my left knee dislocates, and my legs ache so I can't walk long, I also like to go swimming, I love to draw, although I haven't done anything for a while. I mostly babysit my baby brother Julian, I love him to abits, even tho he does my head in sometimes, I like to see my friends, listen to music, i like everything especially 1950's rock and roll, and a huge 80's music fan too cant stand rap, or I like to watch romance,comedies and fantasy movies. I like to see friends, but they are normally doing their own thing, or too busy with their ''other friends'' or with work. So I normally spending most days with family, which can get abit boring after a while,

I do plan to travel more places such as: Seattle,Chicago,Boston,New york,New Orleans,California,Alabama,Tex as,Colorado I also want to see Japan I am a huge fan of Japanese culture, I love anime,manga, I also want to see Australia, I have always longed to go there :P

I play alot of video games too, yes I am a girl who plays video games we do exist! I been playing video games since I was a kid, I have a wii, ps3 and an xbox, I mostly been on the xbox lately tho, I am also addicted to the facebok games, bigfishgames, I cant get enough lol.

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: London
City/Town: London
Age: 28
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: Have some extra pounds
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: No
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: Yes

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