
Honestly, I'm just looking for a guy to have baby-making sex with. That has to be the hottest thing out there, right? Wanna try it with me, haha :)

I'm a happy-go-lucky American living in London. I work in advertising / IT and generally enjoy what I do. I love technology, indie music and travel. I'm a size 18 and actively trying to slim down. I also have a 36FF bust- but I'm hoping as I slim down my boobies will shrink as well. I spend a lot of time at the gym.

There are 4 things I'm looking for in a man:
1. Money. I make over 50K / year (pound sterling) - you should too! (Isn't this website called RICHMEN . com? Why else would I be here?)
2. High sex drive
3. A 'marriage material man' looking to settle down.
4. A guy who wants to have kids and have fun making those kids.
If you have all 4 criteria I would love to meet you. Looks aren't as important, but I must feel that spark of attraction to you.

I'm well-traveled, university educated, and considered highly intelligent. I was on the quiz show Mastermind a few years ago.

I'm looking for a guy to rock my world: Someone more ambitious than me. Someone more traveled than me. Someone smarter than me and someone who laughs more that I laugh.

I have an extremely high sex drive and would like to be in a loving relationship where sex is frequent. I'm only looking to have sex in the context of a relationship. So no one night stands or friends with benefits.

For me to seriously be interested in you, you should be financially secure man. Ideally you should make at least AS MUCH money as I make. I'm highly ambitious with my career and you should be too! Nothing is more sexy on a man than ambition.

I enjoy the finer things in life and am accustomed to a certain lifestyle. I cut my cloth accordingly and can afford to own my own property, overseas holidays and in general things that give me a good life. The question is: can you keep up with me, financially, sexually and socially?

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: London
City/Town: London
Age: 40
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: Have some extra pounds
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: Yes

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