
Hello to all I'm Samantha a 27year old southlondon girl like to go out to the pub and play to go to the movie's and to get somewhere to eat like long walks love the theme parks and ur never to old to go.... I'v been single for 3 years now i have 2 tatto's and i have 2 kids how do not live with a fun,loveing,careing women and just to let u know yes i am cuddly?? i was a horse rider but now im doing a building test to get my cscs card.... i do have a cat but he is out all the time like to stay in with a dvd and a drink or 2 i like to be myslfe i well tell a man wort i think?? P.S MEN KEEP ASKING SO NO I WELL NOT BE DOING IT SO IF UR NOT IN TO CAM SEX THEN CAME AND TALK TO ME BUT IF NOT THEN SORRY im not that tip of girl

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: London
City/Town: London
Age: 30
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: Have some extra pounds
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: No

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