Hi I'm Nikki,
I hate writing these things as I feel like I'm pushing my personality onto people lol. But here goes:
I'm a bubbly Gloucester gal who has a strange Australian twang in her accent. I've got black and blue hair atm, beautiful dark brown eyes, plump lips and a cute smile. I have piercings and tattoos but they're not in your face.
I currently work in a health food shop during the day and on some night do Ann summers parties, I'm not embarrassed in any way cause I love doing them.
User Statistics
Gender: | Female |
Country: | England |
County: | Gloucestershire |
City/Town: | Gloucester |
Age: | 24 |
Marital Status: | Single |
Body Type: | Have some extra pounds |
Can Accommodate: | No |
Can Travel: | Yes |
Smoking: | Yes |
Drinking: | No |