
Hi! I'm a 33 year old single mum to a 5 year old boy. I work 2 jobs, so don't get a lot of spare time, but I would love to meet someone to make the most of what spare time I do get with!

I enjoy walking, horse-riding, cooking, cinema, going out for meals and drinks; I'm just lacking someone to do these things with!

Just as a footnote; I'm a size 16 (5ft 7) so please don't message me and expect a stick insect cos you'll be disappointed!! Just thought I'd get that in there as I see a lot of profiles asking for slender women, and I'm more built for comfort than speed!! :p

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Derby
City/Town: Derby
Age: 35
Marital Status: Single
Body Type: Have some extra pounds
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: No
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: No

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