
Hi i have 3 beautiful girls who are the centre of my world, i'm fun, outgoing, bubbly, honest and very loyal, as you can see by my photo's i'm no skinny leggy blonde model, so please don't judge my book by my cover as mikka once sang "BIG GIRLS ARE BEAUTIFUL" and more fun. I love picnic's, family days to the coast and just having a laugh, family games nights (involving drinking games, cards and board games) even though i have the odd drink i am not looking for someone who loves a drink every day (so if your that person no need apply)i love most music 'RnB' pop and love the 70's not into heavy rock or techno music.

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: London
City/Town: Croydon
Age: 38
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: Have some extra pounds
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: No
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: No

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