

I have been in the UK for a couple of months , and I enjoy it but it can feel lonely and now that i feel good in my career and my life I would be happy to share my mousse au chocolat with someone;

I always wonder why i don't feel like in the commercial on tv for make up or shampoo , do they have drugs on theirs? because I have never felt like i was flying while wearing my make up

I don't get the sweetcorn in sandwich , that's the biggest cultural problem i have in the UK i think.oh and the carpet everywhere , why???

WE don't have mushy peas in France , we are missing something

English is not my native language so I might write weird email , in badly spelled english don't mind me !that's also my excuse for writing stupid things.....(I have an excuse , you don't , u mad?)

about me ? :

song i really find nice creep by radiohead , yes i know like everybody else
I am really afraid of heights so please don't try to bring me on climbing I just can't
read a lot in french english and italian,
go out with friends ,
get a train to lost places in England
swim ,
try to cook ,
drink wine,
video games
book shopping
haggis ,
white wine
irn bru
mushy peas
italian language
english guys
nail polish

don't love

shopping for clothes
smelly cheese


I thought it was obvious , but after I had the question several times , I come from France meaning I am french , I speak french and I eat frog legs and snails for breakfast... (captain obvious here we go)

so drop me a message

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Surrey
City/Town: Crawley
Age: 29
Marital Status: Single
Body Type: Have some extra pounds
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: No

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