{Name} Chrissie
{Fell From Heaven} 2nd April 1991
{Looks Through} Blue Eyes
{Brushes Down} Brown Hair
{Plays dres up in size} 18
{Live in lovely town of} Newcastle Tyne and Wear
{Kicks ass at} Call Of Duty I_I PS3
{Rocks out on my} Telecaster Guitar
{Texts from my} HTC
{Loves my dog} Jessie - English Springer Spaniel
{Flicks through pages of} Mills and Boons Books.
{?} You will get it if i think your good enough.
{Loves} Guitar hero on the Wii
If you want to know more about me then feel free to ask.
"this is me. somebody you will never be and this is how i'll stay"
"love me or hate me, either way your thinking of me"
"i will be who i am and say what i feel becuase those who mind dont matter and those who matter dont mind"
I love alot of things
Horses, Reading, writing, COD!, Ps3. Computers,. Motorbikes and cars, Car shows, Dvd's, Going shopping. Driving.
User Statistics
Gender: | Female |
Country: | England |
County: | Durham |
City/Town: | Consett |
Age: | 23 |
Marital Status: | Single |
Body Type: | Have some extra pounds |
Can Accommodate: | No |
Can Travel: | Yes |
Smoking: | No |
Drinking: | Yes |