im nicole the one on the right, i never no what to put about my self. but ill av a go. I do drive and work within chesterfield area. Iv been told im gr8 company n a laugh, especaially when ppl down or im very drunk. I do luv ging out with my friends, clubbing, day trips & cinema sometimes. I am shy at 1st but when u get to know me, i ant as shy. Most of my friends say when they have gone out with me round towns i cheer them up, and im quite bubbley. i did have natural blonde hair but changed it.
I dont know know what else to put as i dont tend to talk about myself.
User Statistics
Gender: | Female |
Country: | England |
County: | Derbyshire |
City/Town: | Chesterfield |
Age: | 22 |
Marital Status: | Single |
Body Type: | Have some extra pounds |
Can Accommodate: | Yes |
Can Travel: | Yes |
Smoking: | No |
Drinking: | Yes |