I'm Emily - Nice to meet you.
I'm 25 SCARY STUFF! Live in Cheltenham - but originally from Worcester been here about 4 years now & LOVE it!
I'm a team leader for a life coaching organisation helping people get back to themselves & help them build confidence about themselves,I am also a full time carer for my mum so constantly busy & have a hectic lifestyle & about to start my nursing degree.
I'm a size 18/20 don't like it you know where the back button is!
I'm a strong believer in karma & fate - every action you make has a positive & negative reaction.
I'm a bit too honest but at least you know where you stand with me.
I'm a mega shy person so don't like meeting new people so bare with me :)
Boys & girls to chat too, I love going out with my girls having girly days doing nothing but drinking tea having a good old moan & a giggle My nights out are always a bit messy I'll have a bottle of magners or an archers lemonade please ;) A bit obsessed with photography & a few other geeky things but us geeky girls do it best!
I can be seen arrogant but for the people that truly know me know that I am shy as hell & don't do social situations too well. I have major trust issues & I don't give anyone a second chance anymore You hurt me I'll make sure you get burnt twice as bad, Karma hasn't let me down once.
Lets get chatting!
A few ground rules about me on here
I won't swap pictures with you
I won't have dirty chats with you
I no longer give out my to ANYONE
I don't do meet ups or one nighters
I won't give out my number to ANYONE
User Statistics
Gender: | Female |
Country: | England |
County: | Gloucestershire |
City/Town: | Cheltenham |
Age: | 27 |
Marital Status: | Single |
Body Type: | Have some extra pounds |
Can Accommodate: | No |
Can Travel: | No |
Smoking: | No |
Drinking: | Yes |