admitidly this may not be the best place to find wot im looking for but hey.. ya never know.
i live on my own wif my 3 wonderful children who r everything to me and if i did ever meet a guy on here an it work out he wud have to understand that they cum 1st in my life.
id say im a pretty creative type of person. i love drawing and paintin and have a keen interest in photography.
i love reading fantasy books and have also wrote a few books myself.
i am a big fan of movies, especially scary ones an i wud love to b a script writer. one can
i enjoy a very wide range of music except classical and jazz!!.lol. meeting up wif friends and going out places wif my children is something i try to do alot.
i dont do the club scene as it bores me most of the time, a quite bar is far better as u can actually hear wot the other person is saying to u wifout having to shout WHAT all nyt long.
what wud i like in a man?? well 1st of he shud b funny an always able to make me he shud ofcourse be kindhearted and loyal. but id like someone to be wacky and outrageous and to always surprize me wif insane
the rest u will get to know if u make the effort. xx
User Statistics
Gender: | Female |
Country: | Northern Ireland |
County: | Carrickfergus |
City/Town: | Carrickfergus |
Age: | 34 |
Marital Status: | Single |
Body Type: | Have some extra pounds |
Can Accommodate: | Yes |
Can Travel: | Yes |
Smoking: | No |
Drinking: | No |