Hey Everybody, Im going to keep my name a secret. so you will have to ask me.
(my cat is called Ponyo... hence my profile name, see picture)
I am a childminder... looking after other peoples kids is fantastic... NEVER get the same day twice.
(I do sometimes refer to them as "mine" so please pay no attention")
I have travelled the world from a young age and have dived down to 30 metres below the sea (with scuba gear on)
not a big fan on theme parks need someone to hold my hand on the fast rides. lol
I am also a BIG disney fan, maybe its my work or maybe its me.... not sure yet.
I still live at home, being a only child my parents want me close.
my house has 5 (five) cats.... and a tropical marine fish tank.
I am mostly a home girl, probably down to the fact that I havent got many friends (oh.... gosh I need to get out more)
I do have the serious "go away" face but if you get past that you will see that I have a warm, caring, loyal nature willing to listen and ready to stick to you like glue.
I like cosy nights in, occasional nights out, reading, travelling, swimming, scuba diving, cooking, eating exotic food, watching films, listening to music and having a bath of bubbles.
Im not a huge fan on feet soooo if your looking for a foot massage please ask another girl. though my full body (not feet, just said) massages are a big hit with family and friends.
I will reply to messages I like.... though due to work it might be a little late, for which I am going to say sorry now. SORRY IF YOU GET A LATE REPLY
ciao xx
User Statistics
Gender: | Female |
Country: | England |
County: | Hampshire |
City/Town: | Basingstoke |
Age: | 29 |
Marital Status: | Single |
Body Type: | Have some extra pounds |
Can Accommodate: | No |
Can Travel: | Yes |
Smoking: | No |
Drinking: | Yes |